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Employment Opportunities

Mount Hope Christian School is currently accepting resumes and applications for the positions listed below.  Please submit your resume and/or application to Elaine Driscoll at

2024-2025 School Year

Substitute Teachers (part-time, all grades)

We are looking for enthusiastic teachers to foster and facilitate the intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of children.

Assistant Early Childhood Teachers

Mount Hope Christian School is seeking an Early Childhood Assistant Teacher for a full-time position, Monday-Friday 8:15-3:15, to join our dedicated and caring staff. If you have a calling for working with children, are dedicated to providing the best education and care to your students, work collaboratively, and want to learn and grow, we want you to be a part of our school.


  • Assist the Lead Teacher with the implementation of curriculum.
  • Lead group activities.
  • Working with a child one-on-one to develop specific skills.
  • Supervise play on the playground and during open-play time indoors.


  • Excellent communication with young children, other teachers, and parents.
  • Show compassion and joy for working with young children.
  • Display strong organizational skills and manage multiple young children at once with patience and tenderness.
  • Assist in tracking children’s academic and developmental progress.
  • Enjoy being creative and imaginative.
  • Have adequate knowledge of basic childcare responsibilities such as diapering, mealtime procedures, sleeping protocols, and safety.
  • 1-year Early Childhood classroom experience (Preferred)
  • Be a committed Christian with a strong passion for Biblically based Christian education.


  • Competitive salary based on experience.
  • Comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance and retirement plan.
  • Opportunities for professional growth and development within a dynamic and community-centered environment.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and qualifications to

Extended Care Teacher (part time)

Mount Hope Christian School is seeking part time Extended Care Program teachers and assistants to join our dedicated and caring staff. If you have a calling for working with children, are dedicated to providing the best supervision and care to your students, work collaboratively, and want to learn and grow, we want you to be a part of our program.


  • Communicating excellently with young children, other teachers, and parents.
  • Showing compassion and joy for working with young children.
  • Displays strong organizational skills and has the ability to manage multiple young children at once with patience and tenderness.
  • Available between the hours of 2pm-5pm
  • Enjoys being creative and imaginative
  • Early Childhood classroom experience (Preferred)
  • EEC Certification (Preferred)


  • Include leading group activities
  • Creating daily schedules
  • Supervising play on the playground or during open-play time indoors

Mount Hope Christian School (MHCS) is a non-denominational Christian School that offers Christian based learning for students from Toddlers to grade six. MHCS is an equal opportunity employer who exemplifies a Christian world view. Employee benefits include health and dental, tuition discounts for children, and optional extra hours with extended care and summer programs. Visit us online at Please send resume and cover letter to Elaine Driscoll at

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